Composting Information

Content and links provided by Kate Sikkema, Melrose resident, Eagle Scout Candidate, Troop 635

Earth Machine yard compost bins are available for purchase and pickup at any time from the DPW City Yard. Bins are $25.00 each. Please call 781-665-0142 or email to arrange pickup, inquire for more details or to ask questions! 


Pickup free composting from the City Yard Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 8:00 AM - 2:45 PM (April - November)! 

Learn How to be a Compost Superhero!

Local Sources of Information:

Zero Waste Melrose

Learn how and why to compost food waste at home in this VIDEO by Melrose resident, Kate Sikkema. (Video is also embedded at the bottom of this page)

Massachusetts State Information:

Home Composting & Green Landscaping Presentation on best practices for Composting

Residential Composting Pick Up Available In Melrose:

Black Earth Compost

Bootstrap Compost

Helpful tips:

What Can I Compost? (pdf)

Green to Brown Ratio for Most Effective Home Composting (pdf)

Materials for Kids:

Composting for Kids with Peppa Pig

Martha Speaks "Can You Dig It?" (interactive story)

Worms at Work


Compost Q & A Video by Melrose Resident, Kate Sikkema