City Plans & Studies


Open Space and Recreation Plan


The 2023 Open Space and Recreation Plan is an update to the previous plan

from 2015. The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance for the preservation,

enhancement, and expansion of open space and recreation opportunities in the

City. Recommendations are categorized under five overarching themes which

include improving and maintaining existing facilities and expanding recreational

programming; enhancing open spaces through sustainable and innovative design;

protecting and preserving sensitive lands and natural resources; improving access

to parks and open spaces; and, providing opportunities for community engagement

and participation.

Open Space Plan

Wayfinding & Creative Placemaking Plan


The Wayfinding & Creative Placemaking Master Plan is the culmination of an

initiative launched in 2020 with the help of consultants from Selbert Perkins

Design and a volunteer committee which represented a cross-section of

stakeholders. The City engaged local artists to create art for the public to

enjoy and residents to give input into shaping public spaces and creating

signage to direct and inform the public about popular destinations around

the city. The project was made possible via grants and state funding.

Many of the recommendations in the Plan were implemented and based

on the success, the City will continue to explore new opportunities for

public art, placemaking elements, and wayfinding signs to further enrich

the City and the enjoyment of our public spaces.

Wayfinding and Creative Placemaking

Housing Production Plan


The 2022 Housing Production Plan (HPP) is based on a community-driven

planning process to set the direction of housing policy and development

in the city over the next five years. The City undertook this planning process

in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), the

regional planning agency for the Greater Boston region. The plan is grounded

in robust technical analysis and local expertise and insight, including active

participation from a resident Advisory Committee and community feedback

received through multiple forms of engagement. The plan meets the

requirements for an HPP defined in M.G.L. Chapter 40B, but perhaps more

importantly, it provides an actionable roadmap of steps the City can take to

work towards addressing housing goals and needs in the coming years.

Housing Production Plan

FY2022 Capital Improvement Program Final Report


Since 1995, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee has reviewed

and recommended funding for capital projects on an annual basis. Capital

projects are major, non-recurring expenditures that typically cost $25,000 or

more and have a useful life of five or more years. For FY2022, the CIP

Committee received applications for 96 proposed projects from seven

departments. This report includes a summary and project description for

each of the priority projects along with a list in ranked order of the other 81

projects recommended for funding in subsequent years.

FY2022 CIP Plan

Melrose Forward Community Vision and Master Plan

The Melrose Forward Master Plan provides an update to the City's last

Master Plan, which was completed in 2004. This document  serves to

guide the City's decision-making on growth and preservation

over the next decade based on the vision for what Melrosians

endeavor for the City to become. The plan provides a thorough analysis

of current conditions and forecasted trends, and concludes with a

practical implementation plan that outlines goals, strategies, actions,

and time frames for each action.

Melrose Forward

Commuter Rail Corridor Plan


The Commuter Rail Corridor Study was conducted by MAPC in October 2013

in order to investigate opportunities and impediments for growth and development

along the Tremont/Essex Street Corridor, an area adjacent to the Haverhill

Commuter Line with easy access to downtown, schools, and recreational

opportunities. Key recommendations from the study include creating a

transit-oriented overlay district for the Corridor, increasing allowable building

heights and floor area ratios, improving pedestrian crosswalks, providing more

streetscape treatments, and identifying opportunities for locating murals and public art.

2013 Rail Corr Study




Downtown Parking Study


Completed in March 2012 by Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates,

the Parking in Downtown Melrose report was created to provide a framework

for managing downtown parking to best ensure that the parking needs of

residents and visitors are being met. This study revealed that there is actually

an excess of parking spaces downtown during most times of day, and that

occasional pressure on spaces could be addressed with adjustments to the

parking management system.



2012 Parking Study

Main Street Corridor Study 


Melrose collaborated with the Towns of Reading and Wakefield and MAPC to

develop a coherent, forward-looking transportation plan. The Main Street Corridor

Study, released in January 2012, looks at ways to improve upon the existing

transportation network by reducing automobile traffic while promoting commuter

rail, walking, bicycling and bus transportation. The Main Street Corridor Study’s

goals and strategies will improve accessibility, coordinate transportation systems,

promote healthy life-style choices, as well as conserve natural resources benefiting

Reading, Wakefield and Melrose, and the region as a whole.

2012 Main St Corr Study