New Construction/ Additions/ Renovations

Contact Mass Save EARLY in your project to maximize incentives

Mass Save has incentives for your new home construction, addition, or renovation project but the key is to reach out to them in the early stages in order to take advantage of everything they have to offer. 

Residential New Home Construction Incentives for single-family homes and multi-family homes (3 stories or less)

Get Started. Call 1-866-527-SAVE (7283) or email


Residential High-Rise New Construction Incentives for multi-family buildings (4 stories or more)

Get Started:  Call 1-866-527-SAVE (7283) or email


All-Electric Home Incentive

The Future of High-Performance, All-Electric Homes Starts Here

Get Started: Call 1-866-527-SAVE (7283) or email


Residential Renovations and Additions Incentives for upgrading single-family or multi-family homes (3 stories or less)

Get Started. Fill out the Interest Form. Within a few days, a Sponsor representative will contact you to proceed. If you have questions, please call us at 1-866-527-SAVE (7283) or email


Retrofit measures that need pre-verification:

  • Tier II Heating systems (upgrading from non-condensing boiler/furnace to condensing boiler/furnace)
  • Energy Star Certified Windows
  • Clothes Washers
  • Induction Stoves

There are a few ways to have your existing equipment verified:

  1. If you have had a home energy assessment in the last year, you can contact your auditor for the rebate form and your site ID number. Once you have those you can submit the provided rebate form or use your site ID to submit the rebate through the online submission portal found here:
  2. If you have not had an assessment in the last year you can:
    1. Sign up for a whole home energy assessment. In addition, to verifying the existing equipment needed to access the rebates mentioned above, an Energy Specialist can help assess what other areas could be improved, like insulation, to help make your home even more energy efficient and save you money.
    2. If you are just interested in having your system verified, our energy specialist can do a virtual special home visit just to confirm the existing equipment for the rebate you are looking to access.
  3. To sign up for a Home Energy Assessment or a virtual Special Home visit, please call  1-866-527-SAVE (7283)

Following the assessment or special home visit, the energy specialist will provide you with the rebate form and your unique site ID. You can either mail the form in or use your site ID to submit the rebate through the online submission portal found here: