Middle School Dance Party at Melrose Highlands Church on Friday, January 25

Graphic of multicolored people dancing beneath musical notes

Known in Melrose as "The Dance Church," the Melrose Highlands Congregational Church (MHCC) has been packing its Fellowship Hall at 355 Franklin Street for nearly 50 years with hundreds of students enjoying the fun of Melrose’s only middle school dances.

The third middle school dance of the school year will be held Friday, January 25, from 7 to 9 PM featuring a DJ playing today’s hottest hits. All Melrose students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are invited to attend. Admission is $8. Attendance at this season’s first two dances were more than 175, so have your student come join the fun!

"There is really nothing in Melrose like the middle school dances. You can be yourself and have fun, and everyone is invited!” said Janille Hartung,who attended dances as a middle school student and is now MHCC’s Middle School Youth Group Co-Director. “I made so many friends outside of my classmates at those dances.”

What you should know:

Dances are safe and supervised:

Parent chaperones and a police officer are present and there to help students at every dance.

Students are required to stay at the dance until it ends at 9 pm unless they notify a chaperone and are picked up by a parent. 

Only 380 students will be admitted to the dance hall. When we reach capacity, no additional students will be admitted, even if some youth leave the dance early. Parents, please be prepared to pick up your child in case the dance is full.

Additional safety rules are posted at the entrance of the building and everyone should read them carefully. 

Please keep valuables at home and observe the dress code:  No bare backs or mid-drifts; no strapless tops.   

For more information or if you’d be interested in chaperoning the dance, please reach out to Adrienne Wood, Middle School Youth Group Co-Director and Dance Coordinator, at myg@mhcc-ucc.org.