Beethoven Society to Present Free Christmas Concert on December 16

The Beethoven Society of Melrose will present a Christmas Concert at the Melrose Highlands Congregational Church, 355 Franklin Street in Melrose on Sunday, December 16, 2018 at 3 pm. Ladies and Friends performing "Happy Holly Days."  Ladies and Friends include Christine Corbett, Jane Corrigan, Jean Dancewicz, Carolina Lanney, Brendan Carroll and  Tom Risser.   They have been performing for several years.  The program will include seasonal favorites and new and unique holiday songs.  The Society's performances are partly supported by grants from the Melrose Messina Fund for the Arts and the Melrose Cultural Council.  Organizers look forward to welcoming you and hope you will join them.  Membership information may be obtained by contacting Rose Sena, at  Please join us for refreshments following the program.