Video Update for May 7

 This is Mayor Paul Brodeur

Last night, I neglected to provide an update on the weekly Melrose data available from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. As of 4 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, Melrose had 181 confirmed cases of COVID-19. 

Thank you Melrose!! Because almost 100 volunteers stepped up within 24 hours of the call going out, we have prepared literally thousands of bags of masks and other information to be distributed to every household in Melrose. Next up is delivery. It’s a huge undertaking as there thousands of households in Melrose. I am happy to report that over 130 have already volunteered to take a route, which is more than enough to get the job done! I am so proud of this city, where so many of you answered the call to action so quickly. Remember, if you can help, please do, and you need help, please ask.

And another piece of good news. Mount Hood will be open for golf beginning this Sunday per a change in state guidance. However, it will operate with very serious restrictions in compliance with state policy. Mount Hood is currently finalizing details. Please note when the course is open for golfing, it is not safe for walks, biking, or hikes. Stay safe!

Finally, I want to thank a volunteer who helped out today but is not from Melrose. A young college student from Brockton heard about the #MelroseHelps mask distribution on the local TV news. After the broadcast, she went online and signed up to package the masks and information for distribution. She arrived at Memorial Hall this morning and worked her butt off until everything was done. That Melrose spirit is spreading beyond our borders, and it is another reason I am confident that together we will get through this.