Video Update for May 11

 This is Mayor Paul Brodeur

Today, Governor Baker previewed the state’s reopening plan. The plan will be released on May 18. It will consist of four phases, each triggered by public health metrics. The first phase will involve businesses and activities with the lowest risk of COVID-19 transmission and will come with substantial restrictions. The administration will provide many more details in the coming days.

One change that has already occurred is the reopening of golf courses in Massachusetts under additional guidance from the Baker Administration. Mt. Hood opened yesterday and has posted its rules and procedures on their website: Please note that you must book ahead of time by phone or internet and that no walk-ons are allowed. Also, the clubhouse and the 19th Hole will not be open.

Just a reminder that the City Yard is open tomorrow and Thursday for self-service leaf and recycling drop-off from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please wear a mask and remember that no more than two vehicles will be allowed in the yard at a time.

Here’s another way to help out a neighbor in need while supporting Melrose restaurants. The Melrose Chamber of Commerce has launched Melrose Cards for the Community. When you donate online or by check to Melrose Cards for the Community, your donation will provide the Chamber with the funding to purchase gift cards from Melrose food establishments in increments of $10. The gift cards will be given to A Servant's Heart Food Pantry and the Melrose Emergency Fund who will identify individuals and families in need and distribute the gift cards. For more information on how to donate, please visit the Chamber website at If you can help, please do. If you need help, please ask.

And finally, the masks are on the way! Starting tomorrow, volunteers will be fanning out throughout the city to deliver masks and information the every household in Melrose, so be on the lookout for a brown paper bag. It is from City Hall and is safe to open!

I hope everyone has a good week. Wear a face covering, keep up the physical distancing, sanitize surfaces, and always, always you’re your hands. Remember that together we will get through this.