Video Update for April 28

 This is Melrose Mayor Paul Brodeur

As you have likely heard by now, Governor Baker has extended his emergency order closing non-essential businesses and his stay-at-home advisory for residents until May 18. The measures had been slated to expire on May 4. The Governor has also extended the ban on gatherings or 10 or more people. To review the vast amount of data the state is tracking related to new cases, total cases, hospitalizations, and the like, please visit the Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 dashboard.

I also want to remind residents that curb yard waste pick-up is returning to its regular schedule next week. The process will not change. You can put out a maximum of 10 bags that will picked up on the day of your regular trash collection day. Please visit the DPW webpage to review the weeks that DPW will be doing yard waste curbside pick-ups throughout the season.

I know the news that the extension of the Governor’s order and advisory are a real body blow for many of us, and that we are all anxious to get back to normal. I hear your frustration and ask for your continued patience and understanding. I also ask that you stick with the precautions that will help us all closer to the phased reopening we are all looking forward to. That means continuing to practice good hygiene including frequent handwashing, frequent sanitizing of surfaces, staying six feet apart, and using a face covering whenever possible.

I also want to remind people that I have formed an economic development task force and am grateful to the local leaders who are lending their expertise to the cause. Importantly, a primary focus of this group is helping our small businesses to adapt and relaunch as the governor relaxes restrictions in the future. If you are a small business operating in Melrose, you can expect to be contacted in the near future.

Finally, a reminder about non-COVID related health emergencies and 911. Data indicates that fewer people are seeking help at the emergency room or through 911 for things like heart attacks, strokes and other serious medical conditions. I want to remind everyone that if you suspect you are undergoing a serious medical event, you should seek immediate care. Local emergency departments and our fire department are prepared to respond quickly to provide the medical you need. Please do not put yourself at unnecessary risk by failing to call for help. Remember, if you need help, please ask, and if you can help, please do.

Thanks again for all you are doing to keep each other safe. Remember that together, we will get through this.