Video Update for April 21

 Good evening. This is Melrose Mayor Paul Brodeur.

Today the state reported 1,556 news cases of COVID-19 throughout the Commonwealth, . The state is releasing city-specific data on a weekly basis, and I will be reporting that tomorrow.

As you probably know by now, Governor Baker ordered today that all schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year. I know our students and educators are disappointed that they will not be back together. While our buildings are closed, school will continue.

There have been no additional changes to state or local public directives as a result of that decision. The city will continue to work together with other cities and towns and the Baker Administration regarding how and when to change any public health orders or advisories. Like you, we are anxious to begin to get back to normal, but the safety of our residents and employees will remain our top priority.

Finally, a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Earth Day in Melrose and the Keep Melrose Beautiful group is still looking for a few individuals or families to help out with this socially distanced celebration.

I am grateful to live in a community that supports all our learners and hope you will stay tuned for a message to the class of 2020. Remember that together, we will get through this.