Video Update for April 17

 Good evening Melrose. This is Mayor Paul Brodeur.

Melrose now has an additional five confirmed cases of COVID-19. I again want to stress that the best place to follow COVID-19 case data is through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health website.

Here’s the scoop on trash and leaf pick-up. Please note that regular trash pickup will begin on Tuesday next week due to the Monday holiday and will follow a holiday week schedule. And I want to thank you for your patience with our yard waste collection as we strive to keep our employees and the community safe. At this time, the City is planning to resume curbside collection during our next scheduled pickup week of May 4th. In the meantime, we plan to open the City Yard on Saturday, April 25th for yard waste and recycling drop-off between the hours of 8 AM and 3 PM. The drop-off will be strictly controlled for the safety of all; please follow all instructions upon arrival.

Also, in recognition of Earth Day next week, please keep an eye out for information on the Keep Melrose Beautiful facebook page regarding what you can do to help keep our City clean and beautiful. We can’t organize group clean-ups or similar events right now, but Keep Melrose Beautiful will be sharing ways you can make a difference this Earth Day.

Finally, it is beautiful outside, so I hope we will have a great turnout for tonight’s Clap Because We Care at 7 p.m. to thank all the people working to keep us safe. Tonight we are changing things a bit. You can clap at 7, but we are hoping you will join your friends and neighbors for a rousing chorus of that Neil Diamond (and Fenway) classic “Sweet Caroline.” And if you don’t want to sing, just tune your radio to Mix 104.1 FM and turn it up loud, or just make some noise. The frontline workers really appreciate it!

This is another great way we can show that our community cares and that together, we will get through this.

Thank you, and have a great weekend.