Updates on Yard Waste Pickup

Due to growing concern for the health and safety of all City of Melrose Employees, we have decided that we will be delaying the start of curbside yard waste pickup this year until after state of Massachusetts social distancing guidelines end. This decision was made collaboratively between the Mayor’s office and DPW.

DPW employees would need to directly handle all yard waste in order to move it from the curb and into our trucks. With new restrictions as well as concern for the transmission of germs, this is not the safest option for our workers and could very well put them at higher risk for contracting COVID-19. The truck used by our employees to bring in yard waste is also not functioning properly at this time and has a brake line that requires replacement. With all non-essential businesses being closed we are unable to procure the part for the repair at this time.

We do understand that cleaning your yards during quarantine and social distancing has become more popular. Keeping this in mind, once we are open again we will add on extra days to the yard waste curbside pickup as well as more open days and times at City Yard.

We thank you for your continued efforts to stay home and stay safe. We are still here in the office Monday through Friday to answer your questions and we can be reached by phone at 781-665-0142 or by email at sflanagan@cityofmelrose.org.