Today is the Last Day to Comment on Melrose Housing Production Plan

The finished plan will be submitted to the City Council and the Planning Board for adoption. If they adopt the plan, the HPP wil

Today is the last day residents can comment on the Melrose Housing Production Plan (HPP) before it's finalized and presented to the Melrose City Council and Planning Board for approval.

Click here to access the Housing Production Plan webpage that offers residents a way to provide their public comments. The finished plan will be submitted to the City Council and the Planning Board for adoption. If they adopt the plan, the HPP will be submitted for approval by the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development.

The Goals of the Melrose HPP

  • Provide a detailed review of housing needs, constraints and opportunities in Melrose
  • Identify specific strategies that the City can pursue over the next five years in an effort to increase the supply of housing and address housing challenges in an equitable manner
  • Develop a plan that meets the requirements of a Housing Production Plan, as defined by Massachusetts General Laws under Chapter 40B.