Take the HeatSmart Survey Today!

The City of Melrose, in partnership with the Melrose Energy Commission, is considering applying for a grant to fund a program which will help bring heating/cooling, water heating and solar energy options to Melrose property owners. The program would provide education, outreach and group buying options that allows residents to band together to save money on clean heating and cooling technologies such as:
  • air-sourced heat pumps
  • ground-sourced heat pumps
  • solar hot water
We see this as an exciting step towards making Melrose more resilient at a reduced cost!
In an effort to gauge local interest in these technologies and demand for education and group pricing, we would like to know what you think by filling out this five-minute survey by Thursday, November 14th. 
Survey link:
Thank you for your time and for helping us all become more HeatSmart!