Seeking to Increase Communication Efforts, City of Melrose & Health and Human Services Department Launch Social Media Accounts

social media

In effort to spread awareness about local events, resources and community news, the City of Melrose has launched official social media accounts for the City’s and it’s Health and Human Services (HHS) Department. In April 2022, the City launched its official Facebook and Instagram account, and the HHS Department activated its Facebook and is planning to launch in Instagram in the coming months.

Social Media Pages Currently Operated by the City of Melrose

“The purpose of launching these social media pages is to broaden our communication efforts and reach as many residents as possible with news, resources, and events they need to live a healthy and integrated, community-oriented lifestyle,” said Lily Wall, Communications and Community Outreach Coordinator for the City of Melrose and clinical mental health counseling graduate student.  
“Research shows that when an individual strengthens their ties with the community, their sense of wellbeing is greatly improved,” added Wall. “The Mayor’s office will continue to find more ways to improve our communication and outreach efforts and we appreciate the recent feedback regarding the desire for additional communication efforts received through our Melrose Community Needs Assessment Survey.” 

The Health and Human Services Department (HHS), which was previously named the Health Department, will be posting information about local events and trainings offered in Melrose and the surrounding communities, as well as educational materials including articles, videos and facts about different topics pertaining to public health. The HHS Department will soon activate an Instagram page in the next coming months. 
“We want to be able to effectively communicate with our community and inform them about the public health resources they have access to,” said Emily Hatchouel, the Public Health Specialist for the City of Melrose and Social Media Administrator for the HHS Department. “The overarching goal for the City’s Health and Human Services department is to spread awareness of resources in the community pertaining to all areas of public health as well as educate the community about these topics. The launching of our Facebook and future activation of our Instagram account will help us meet our goals and fulfill our commitment to supporting the health and wellness of all our community.”

Other Ways to Stay Informed

Subscribe to the City News: To receive emails about community resources, events, news and more, subscribe to the City of Melrose City News emails.

Subscribe to the Everbridge Emergency Notification System: To receive City-wide alerts about a variety of events, ranging from severe weather, fires, floods and other emergencies, to more routine announcements, such as road closures, street sweeping, and hydrant flushing, subcribe to City's Everbridge Emergency Notificaiton System.

The City of Melrose uses the Everbridge emergency notification system to alert residents about a variety of events, ranging from severe weather, fires, floods and other emergencies, to more routine announcements, such as road closures, street sweeping, and hydrant flushing. Messages will be sent to residents by their preferred contact method — cell phone, text, home phone, email, and more — to ensure real-time access to important information.

To learn more, visit

Community members interested in providing additional feedback and ideas around how the City can improve the communication to the community, please email Wall at