A Message to the Melrose Community From the Mayor's Office

A Message to the Melrose Community From the Mayor's Office

Dear Melrose Community,

HomeWorks Energy, a Mass Save® and City of Melrose partner, recently sent letters to about 7,000 Melrose households. The letters, which were mailed using official Mayor Paul Brodeur stationery, were intended to educate residents about the benefits of home energy efficiency and encourage them to participate in the Melrose Energy Challenge.

To our dismay, it has been brought to our attention that an error at the mailing house used by HomeWorks Energy has resulted in letters being sent to residents at incorrect addresses in some cases. Please note that the letters do not contain any personal/identifying information, and residents should feel free to open them, as the information is intended to benefit all Melrose residents.

While we are not sure how many letters were affected, on behalf of our partner, we apologize for the understandable confusion and inconvenience. And as always, we appreciate community support for the Melrose Energy Challenge.

Should you have any questions about the mailings or the Melrose Energy Challenge, please reach out to Martha Grover, Sustainability Manager for the City of Melrose, at (781) 979-4195 or mgrover@cityofmelrose.org.

Thank you for your attention to this message.

The Mayor’s Office