Melrose Emergency Fund Receives Over $5,500 Since the Start of the New Year

Donations to the Emergency Fund are graciously accepted at any point throughout the year.
Finley the Dog

Since the beginning of the year, the Melrose community, including local businesses and nonprofits, has donated over $5,500 to the Melrose Emergency Fund, with $500 of these donations brought in through Buckalew's General Store's Red Truck event in December 2022. The Emergency Fund, which relies entirely on donations from the public, provides one-time help to residents of the City of Melrose who are experiencing financial emergencies.

“On behalf of the City of Melrose, thank you to all our residents, businesses, and nonprofit organizations who have contributed to the Emergency Fund in this new year,” said Mayor Paul Brodeur. “Your donations help the City ensure our residents can put food on their table or keep their homes warm during what is often a difficult time of year for many and is an act not overlooked. Helping your neighbor is what gives Melrose the strong sense of community we are so lucky to have.”

Residents can receive financial assistance through the Melrose Emergency Fund to cover the cost of basic needs, such as food, electricity, fuel, and other utilities. All donations go directly towards the fund, which is administered by City staff as part of their regular duties.

How to Donate to the Fund and Make a Difference in Your Community

Those wishing to contribute to the Emergency Fund may do so via check payable to the City of Melrose with "Emergency Fund" in the memo line. Contributions can also be made online (through the city’s online bill payments webpage, under the “Make a Donation” heading).

Checks can be sent or brought directly to the Mayor’s Office at 562 Main St., Melrose, MA 02176. The office is located on the second floor. Checks should be made out to the City of Melrose, with “Melrose Emergency Fund” in the memo line. For questions regarding the Emergency Fund, call (781) 979-4440.

How to Apply for Financial Relief Through the Fund

If you need assistance from the Emergency Fund, please visit the Emergency Fund page at Here you can fill out an inquiry regarding the fund or download an application to complete. All applications are kept confidential. Applications should be mailed, scanned/emailed, or hand delivered to the Melrose Council on Aging, located at 235 W. Foster Street, or the Mayor’s office, located at 562 Main Street. Scanned or digital applications should be emailed to

Recent Donors to the Emergency Fund include:

Peter and Yvonne Vanderhost
Mary Abare, in memory of Paul Abare
Melrose Arts & Crafts
Michael and Kimberly TalbotAinsley Donaldson
James and Ellen Herrington
Robert Sharack
Bruce and Lois Ruth Mackey
Trinity Episcopal Church
Buckalew’s General Store
Lynne and Peter Reveno
Marianna Dwyer
Nancy Nichols and Michael O’Connor
Christine McCormack
Jonathan Deleo
Kevin Bouchard
Nick Weidermann and Katie Flynn
Ackland and Shirley Jones
Chad and Sarah Besegai
Bill Reynolds
Edward David
The Santillo Family
Green Street Baptist Church