Happening Tomorrow: Melrose Public Safety Buildings Committee Public Listening Session

This is the first of three scheduled meetings. To allow for maximum public engagement, the Public Learning Session will take place both in person at the Driscoll Learning Commons and virtually via Zoom for residents who cannot attend in person.
Happening Tomorrow: Melrose Public Safety Buildings Committee Public Listening Session

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 29, the Melrose Public Safety Buildings Committee (MPSBC) and Mayor Paul Brodeur will host the lead-off Public Learning Session that will serve as the first in a series of community discussions intended to help the City and its residents better understand the needs facing the community's public safety buildings and inform the public on the committee's recommended solution.

This initial first session will be held from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Dr. David Driscoll Learning Commons, located on the second floor of Melrose Public High School, 360 Lynn Fells Parkway. The session will be hybrid—both in person and virtual via Zoom.

Joining Virtually

To join virtually, register in advance by visiting https://cityofmelrose-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Yo7VZ4BJQguyeFNCX-qhHg
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Virtual participants are encouraged to submit questions via Zoom's chat feature.

The meeting will be recorded and made publicly available for anyone unable to attend in person or virtually. Additionally, follow-up sessions will be held in May and June. Virtual participants will be able to send questions to moderators in real-time. The presentation and Q&A will be recorded and posted within 48 hours on the committee's website, http://www.melrosepsb.org/.

Mayor Brodeur and the Melrose Public Safety Buildings Committee (MPSBC) invite the community to attend the discussion, during which committee members, including, co-chairs Eugenia Gibbons and Jeff McNaught, Melrose Police Chief Kevin Faller, and Melrose Fire Chief Edward Collina, together with the Mayor, will share the current state of the public safety buildings and present the Committee’s overarching principles and approach to addressing the longstanding issues of the City’s police station and three fire stations. Residents are encouraged to visit the committee's website, http://www.melrosepsb.org/, ahead of the meeting to ensure they have the latest and most accurate information

The Melrose Public Safety Building Committee looks forward to discussing this important initiative with you. Please contact MPSBcommittee@cityofmelrose.org with questions.