Follow Your Art Community Studios hosts a Live, Outdoor Storytelling Event on June 13

“In Real Life: Who do you think you are?” aims to amplify stories of underrepresented community members
Who Do You Think You Are?

MELROSE, MA —Follow Your Art Community Studios (FYACS) in partnership with the Melrose Cultural Council and the Melrose Commission on Women will host a free outdoor community storytelling event, “In Real Life,” at Cedar Park (Bowden Park), Melrose, on June 13th from 3:00-5:00 p.m. 

This year's theme asks, “Who Do You Think You Are?” and will explore identity, growth, and the influence of people, places, power, and privilege on the journey toward finding oneself. The event will feature 8 storytellers from Melrose, and Jaron and Concetta Green will serve as emcees for the event.

The organizers hope to amplify stories of under-represented community members. “The voices of black and brown community members, members of the LGBTQ community, individuals with disabilities, and other traditionally marginalized groups matter,” says Nandini Talwar, one of the founders of the event. “We want to create a space to hear these stories and to learn from them.”

In Real Life (IRL) started with the mission to encourage empathic listening to personal narratives in order to build bridges across our community. The pilot event, on the significance of home, was hosted by Melrose Organizes for Real Equality (MORE) and FYACS in 2017. In 2018, a sold-out IRL event was held at Temple Beth Shalom on “The Butterfly Effect.” In 2019, during a competitive mayoral election season, IRL hosted candidates sharing stories that “MORE-tified” them. The organizers are thrilled to be able to bring back IRL in 2021.

Follow Your Art Community Studios is a non-profit community arts center serving Melrose and surrounding communities. Learn more at