DCR Performing Soil Borings at Intersection of Lynn Fells Parkway and Melrose Street


As part of the organization's work to improve the intersection of Lynn Fells Parkway at Melrose Street, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will be performing soil borings for geotechnical exploration at the intersection of Lynn Fells Parkway and Melrose Street from Monday, October 16, to Wednesday, October 18, 2023.

Take a look at the areas where DCR is performing the soil: Map of Soil Borings Locations

The soil boring will take place between 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Geotechnical exploration is needed to properly design traffic signal mast arm foundations.

Police detail will help facilitate vehicular traffic, pedestrian, and bicyclist through the work area while soil boring is taking place.

The contractor may be on-site earlier but boring work will not begin until after morning school drop-off each day.