March 25 Video Update

Additional Case and School Closure Extended to May 4

Vidoe Transcript:

Good Evening Melrose, I’m your Mayor Paul Brodeur.

Yesterday, I shared with you that there were three confirmed cases of COVID-19 here in Melrose. Today the Massachusetts Department of Public Health informed us that there is another confirmed case, bringing our total to 4 cases here in Melrose. Each of these patients has been in contact with our local health department and are practicing self-isolation.

Earlier today, our Health Director Ruth Clay conducted a training of city nurses who are normally assigned to the schools in order to expand our local capacity to perform contact tracing. This process is how we speak with direct contacts of individuals who have tested positive. Our health department staff are professionals who have been working around the clock to contain the spread.

Earlier today Governor Baker closed all Massachusetts public schools until at least May 4th. While we knew that this was likely, I believe it certainly does highlight the severity of this situation. I know that many students will be disappointed to hear this but I want each of them to know that this is the safest choice for our whole community.

Additionally, the Governor’s office has informed Cities and Towns that all construction is viewed as an essential service and that local government cannot impose construction bans or limits. Here in Melrose, our City government will do our best to ensure the safety of ongoing construction projects.

Getting the best information possible is critical at this time. Here in Melrose, I try to update the covid-19 page on the City website on a daily basis, and try to share this material on facebook and twitter. In addition to appearing here on MMTV, I also communicate with residents through everbridge. Everbridge is our reverse 9-11 system which empowers us to send messages and emails to residents.

I urge you to make sure that you are signed up to receive notifications. You can sign up yourself through the City website by clicking “subscribe to alerts” and filling out the form. Alternatively, you can send an email to my office at or call my office at 781-979-4440.

Lastly, in a bit of non- COVID-19 news I wanted to extend my congratulations to State Representative Kate Lipper Garabedian. Earlier today, Representative Lipper Garabedian was sworn in by the Governor in the State House. We are lucky to have her and I am glad that such a dedicated and competent Melrosian has taken my former seat in the House.

Folks, this is a challenging time with a lot of uncertainty. As I said yesterday—please stay at home. Only leave your house when absolutely necessary. Practice social distancing.  Together we are going to make it through this.

Thank you and goodnight.