34 and 55 Summit Ave - Site Approval for Comprehensive Permit Application

The City has received notice that MassHousing has issued a Project Eligibility Letter for the proposed Comprehensive Permit Development located at 34 and 55 Summit Ave. The project involves extending the existing road at the top of Summit Ave and constructing 28 residential units with 51 parking spaces. The townhome units will be available for homeownership. A total of 25% of the units will be affordable to households earning at or below 80% of area median income and the remainder will be market rate.

This site is characterized by steep slopes and rock outcroppings with single-family homes and City-owned conservation land in the immediate vicinity. The land consists of eight parcels and there are two existing single-family homes that are proposed to be demolished. The City has consistently expressed concerns with this project, as detailed in the Mayor's response letters to MassHousing, below. However, with the site eligibility letter, the applicant may now apply for a Comprehensive Permit from the Melrose Zoning Board of Appeals. The City has not yet received an application but all future updates will be posted on this page. 

The Site Approval application materials can be viewed below.  For general information regarding Comprehensive Permit Rules and Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.