Community Engagement Sought on Override Question

Over the past six months, I have spoken several times about the need for the City of Melrose to pass an override. This is an important decision that must include the entire community.

I have had several discussions with my department heads, and I have spoken to the Board of Aldermen, the School Committee, and the Superintendent of Schools. However, as this decision affects all of us, I want to hear from you as well. While we know the big picture, I want your help in narrowing down exactly what this override will consist of.

Over the next three months, I will be asking for your input in several different ways:

  • I will release a Community Feedback Questionnaire early in the fall. This questionnaire will be available both online and on paper, and we will make physical copies widely available so that we can hear from as many people as possible.
  • I will hold two listening sessions at the Melrose High School Learning Commons, one on Wednesday, September 26, and the other on Tuesday, October 2, both starting at 7 p.m.
  • In addition, you are welcome to submit your comments at any time by email to

I will spend the month of October reviewing the results of the questionnaires and all of your comments. My target date for presenting the final wording of the override question to the Board of Aldermen is October 29.

If the Board of Aldermen agrees to put the question before the voters, I will schedule a special election for the spring. Holding the election in the spring will allow us to clearly define how a vote either way will affect the fiscal 2020 budget, which takes effect on July 1, 2019. It is my hope that we will be able to present the community with a clear set of choices so that you can make an informed vote. Therefore, I hope you will attend the listening sessions, respond to the survey, and offer your comments. At the same time, I will continue to publish information about the city budget so that you can understand not just the budget process but also the constraints under which we operate.

It’s going to be a busy few months for all of us, but this is also an exciting time. It’s an opportunity for me to learn more about your concerns and priorities, and for you to learn more about our city as well.