Thursday's Earth Week Wordle Was...

solar panels

The Melrose Earth Week Wordle for April 28 was SOLAR.

Installing solar energy helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions while minimizing electricity costs. Additionally, solar is a key component to reaching the city’s 2050 net zero goals.

Currently, over 500 Melrose property owners have installed solar energy in their homes, businesses, churches, and public buildings. The combined impact of these installations is over 4 MW of clean, local, renewable power from the rooftops of Melrose. Both the Melrose high school and middle school roofs are covered with solar panels for a total of 351kW. The arrays were installed in three phases in 2008, 2011, and 2013 and save the City about $32,000 annually.

Don't wait for the announcement tomorrow, uncover the latest Earth Week Worldle TODAY! Visit to play.