Smoking, Vaping, Tobacco, and Other Nicotine Products


Drug Paraphernalia Sales

Vaping Information

What is Vaping? 

Inhaling the water vapor produced from a battery powered, electronic device which heats a flavored e-liquid contained within the device. The e-liquid may contain varying concentrations of nicotine and THC oil (Marijuana).

What are the Risks? 

  • E-liquids (whether containing nicotine or not) contain harmful chemicals; vapor contains chemicals known to cause cancer.
  • Nicotine is highly addictive and can damage the developing brain
  • Less than 1/2 tsp of nicotine contained in e-liquid can be fatal to a toddler
  • Youth who vape are more likely to use other tobacco products in the future

Vaping Devices 1Vaping Devices 2

Vaping Fact Sheet and PSAs produced by Wakefield Youth Action Team


Tobacco Information

General Information -Massachusetts Department of Health information and resources -All about the Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program -Massachusetts youth fighting against tobacco -Current tobacco 21 cities

Smoking Cessation

Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program

Quitworks-Free, evidence based stop smoking service

Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Smoking and Tobacco use, quitting methods and resources, etc. 

American Lung Association

Telephone Number Resources

MA Tobacco Cessation & Prevention Program: 617-624-5900

MA Smokers’ Helpline: 1-800-784-8669

Information & Complaint line about violations of state tobacco control laws: 800-992-1895

Information & Complaint line regarding smoke-free housing: 877-830-8795