Barking, Unleashed or Nuisance Dogs & Dog Bites

Problems with dogs are first and foremost a problem with neighbors. Like any other neighborhood issue, the preferred solution is for the concerned parties resolve the problem together. It is possible that your neighbor may not be aware that their dog’s barking is bothersome to you, or they may already be trying to solve the problem. A friendly conversation bringing up your concerns may be more appreciated than a visit from a city official. If your efforts at friendly resolution are unsuccessful, or if you aren’t comfortable approaching your neighbor for any reason, please contact Animal Control.

Dog Bites

Please report dog bites as soon as possible to Animal Control. Provide your contact information, the owner’s information and a description of the dog. This information is needed so that the dog can be quarantined for 10 days, per state law. In almost all cases, the dog is allowed to stay at its home, so do not hesitate to report a dog bite for fear that the pet will be taken from its family. 

When reporting a dog bite, email the following information to Name(s), address and telephone numbers of all dog owners whose dog(s) were involved, the type of dog(s), if they are up to date on vaccinations, description of what happened.