
The Department of Public Works is one of the most diverse branches of city government consisting of 38 funded positions and a budget of $11 million. The department provides essential services to the 27,000 citizens of Melrose with the responsibility of maintaining over 95 miles of streets, approximately 120 miles of sidewalks, 80 miles of water, 78 miles of sewer, 1398 catch basins, collection of over 9,500 tons of household rubbish, curbside and drop-off collection of over 2,000 tons of recyclables, over 4,500 tons of yard waste by curbside pickup and drop off, and maintenance of 96 vehicles and numerous pieces of equipment. The Department is also responsible for response to snow, ice and other emergency services; responsible for the care of all City trees, for the maintenance of all parks and fields, for the maintenance and general operations of the cemetery, for enforcing of water, sewer and street ordinances; and engineering design and construction management for capital improvement and maintenance projects. To accomplish these functions, the Department is organized into eleven divisions: 

Administration, Engineering, Facilities, Fleet, Highway, Parks, Sanitation, Sewer, Trees, Water, and Wyoming Cemetery