Important Information for Older Homes and Water Connections


In the coming days, you will be receiving a letter from the City that describes ways to ensure that the water you are drinking is lead-free.

Please be assured, the water coming from the City’s water main in the street has no lead and is of the highest quality.

One of the most important steps to determining whether your drinking water has the potential for lead is to determine the material of your home’s water service line, which is the pipe that connects your home or business to the water main in the street. If you do not know your water service material and would like to find out if it contains lead, please contact the Melrose Engineering Division at 781-979-4172.

Whether or not you have a lead water service, older homes may also have lead in solder in internal plumbing or in older brass fixtures. For this reason, the City suggests that all customers follow these steps to be sure that the water you are drinking is fresh:

  • Most importantly, flush the tap until after the water feels cold before use. The flushing of your tap ensures the best quality water.
  • Never use hot water from the faucet for drinking or cooking, especially when making baby formula.
  • Never boil water to remove lead. Boiling water for an extended time may make lead more concentrated.
  • Check your plumbing to make sure it is not adding lead to your water.

For more information, please visit